Friday, September 14, 2007

Chicken in Red wine

This recipe I've thought out myself and I want to share it with you. This dish is easy and fast to cook, very delicious, unusual taste. If you have never cooked you can begin from this one. It works even without any species! Only chicken and wine… But we'll cook as it is the best:
You can take whole chicken and cut it in pieces (neither small, nor big) or take wings (it has especial taste). Also, you need 200-300ml red wine and different species basil, oregano, and what you usually like for chicken, salt, pepper, 1 or 2 onions.

Step 1: Put chicken into cauldron or deep pan and cover it.
Step 2: Over 2-3minutes add there 100 ml of wine. Cover again. Stir it time to time.
Step 3: Over 3-5minutes add finely cut onion. Stir it time to time.
Step 4: Over 15 minutes pour left wine into the pan (cauldron)and add species, salt and pepper.
Cover it.
Step 5: Cook for 15 more minutes.

Ready! Great smell!

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